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Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Μάρτιος, 2018
 21st March 2018 will be... International Day of Forests 80% of all terrestrial biodiversity lives in forests, and each year many species go extinct as a result of them being destroyed. Of course, forests also play a critical role in climate change deforestation results in 12-18 percent of the world’s carbon emissions and accelerated global warming. Forests also provide food, fiber, water and even medicines for approximately 1.6 billion of the world’s population, especially the poorest people.

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19th March 2018 will be... Deskfast Day The word deskfast is an amalgamation of two words: desk and breakfast, meaning deskfast is the first meal of your day eaten at your desk at work. At first, nutritionists were appalled by the idea of not eating breakfast at home, but as time went on, it turned out that thanks to deskfasts, people were eating less sugary cereals jam-packed with preservatives and sodium and more decidedly healthy things, like sandwiches, breakfast muffins or porridge. And needless to say, eating your breakfast at work is definitely better than skipping this most important of meals entirely.