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Προβολή αναρτήσεων από 2017

Top 20 Christmas Carols & Songs Playlist with Lyrics | Children Love to ...

Χριστουγεννιάτικα παιδικά τραγούδια & κάλαντα... (video HD)

 A   DELICIOUS  GINGERBREAD  COOKIES RECIPE https://www.brit.co/gingerbread-cookie-recipe/
December 8th will be .... Pretend to be a time traveler  Day Read an adapted version of Charles Dickens  A Christmas  Carol where the main character Ebeneezer Scrooge travelled back and forth in time!!  http://www.isd518.net/Websites/isd518/files/Content/3804973/Dickens%27_A_Christmas_Carol.pdf
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day The History of Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is the history of the attack itself, an attack which took place on December 7th, 1941. The attack was devastating, killing over 2,400 citizens of the United States from the time it began at 7:48am Hawaiian time and ended just 90 minutes later, making the attack incredibly devastating. Multiple ships were lost during the attack, though things could have been much worse.

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

December 6th is Saint Nicolas Day
5th  December 2017 will be.... Ninja  Day
Tomorrow 4th December will be .... World Wildlife Conservation   Day https://youtu.be/CSDCtxHGbZc https://youtu.be/nDTmjR_GG1w

HIV AIDS Education and Awareness

Here are some ways to keep your computer and personal information safe when going online: Do Learn how to spot common scams and fraud - Find out the warning signs of internet fraud,   phishing , and other online scams . Update your computer software - Download the latest versions of your operating system, web browsers, and apps. Talk to your kids about being safe and responsible online - If you are a parent, help protect your kids online by teaching them about the risks. Don’t Don’t share your passwords or sensitive information with anyone you don’t trust - Think about why someone needs it and if you can really trust the request. Laptop security is also important when using a portable computer in public to help prevent all your valuable information stored on it from falling into the hands of an identity thief. Don’t use the same passwords for multiple accounts - Try to make your passwords unpredictable and avoid using names, dates, or common words. Don’t give out...

Square Dance Demonstration

#GivingTuesday 2017

An antidote to consumerism and commercialization!!
Tomorrow 27th November will be....for the American people Pins and Needles Day  Pins and needles mean that tingly feeling you get when your leg goes to sleep but the original Pins and Needles Day started up in 1937 to commemorate the opening of the pro-Labor musical play of the same name on Broadway. "Pins and Needles "is the only hit ever produced by a labor union, and the only time when a group of unknown non-professionals brought a successful musical to Broadway. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pins_and_Needles

What is Black Friday | Learn about the US | Holidays


The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show Theme Song - TelevisionTunes.com

Tuesday 21st November is     .....                                    World Television Day                              the following piece of music brings memories of my early childhood when I was looking forward to watching my favourite cartoon                                            The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show Theme Song - TelevisionTunes.com
Mon 20th Nov is....... Universal Children's Day  Universal Children’s Day was first announced by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1954 What are the best ways to celebrate this day?
Friday 17  November   is.....for Greece Polytechnic School  Day
Thu 16th Nov is....... Button Day https://gr.pinterest.com/explore/%CE%BA%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%B1%CF%83%CE%BA%CE%B5%CF%85%CE%AD%CF%82-%CE%BC%CE%B5-%CE%BA%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%BC%CF%80%CE%B9%CE%AC/?lp=true
Wed 15th Nov is...... I Love to Write Day I Love to Write Day was created in 2002 by Delaware-based author John Riddle. Riddle has been writing for the past thirty years and has written a total of 34 books so far.
Tue 14th Nov is...... Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day Take things in your own time! Let things slide !Life is wonderful!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkYSmIPBEGE
Mon 13th Nov is.... World Orphans Day The first people to officially care for orphaned children were the Romans, who opened the first orphanage in history in around 400 AD. Long before them, however, both Jewish and Athenian law required that orphans be supported until age 18. The great philosopher Plato once said, “Orphans should be placed under the care of public guardians .The second Monday of November is dedicated to orphans so that people do not forget their plight.
Fri 10th November is..... Area Code Day "In the beginning of the world with telephones, things were easy. You didn’t even call a number, you just called your operator and asked them to hook you up with someone in your town. Need the Doctor, you could not only ask the operator to connect you with one but ask which one she’d suggest. Eventually, the phone system expanded beyond just local networks and started connecting towns, counties, states, and nations. The first step was putting in a number system so that each person could dial another directly, but then there weren’t enough numbers. Area Code Day celebrates the solution that has become a part of our everyday existence ever since"
Thursday 9th is...... World Freedom Day World Freedom Day in the U.S. 2017 November 9, 2017 in the USA "World Freedom Day in the U.S. is observed on November 09, 2017. World Freedom Day is a United States federal observance declared by then-President George W. Bush to commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communist rule in Central and Eastern Europe. It started in 2001 and is celebrated on 9 November. "( https://www.cute-calendar.com/event/world-freedom-day-in-the-us/27385.htm) The  song  that soundtracked the fall of  the Berlin Wall . Lead singer Klaus Meine (r ) and lead guitarist Rudolf Schenker of the  Scorpions
Wed 8th Nov is.... X-Ray Day "A t the end of the 19th century, while studying the effects of passing an electrical current through gases at low pressure, German physicist Wilhelm Rontgen accidentally discovered X-rays—highly energetic electromagnetic radiation capable of penetrating most solid objects. His discovery transformed medicine almost overnight. Within a year, the first radiology department opened in a Glasgow hospital, and the department head produced the first pictures of a kidney stone and a penny lodged in a child’s throat. Shortly after, an American physiologist used X-rays to trace food making its way through the digestive system. The public also embraced the new technology—even carnival barkers touted the wondrous rays that allowed viewing of one’s own skeleton."(http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/30693/title/The-First-X-ray--1895/) The Nobel prize for physics was awarded to Roentgen in 1901 for his discovery of X-rays.  
Mon 6th Nov is... Saxophone Day "The saxophone (also referred to as the sax ) is a family of woodwind instruments . Saxophones are usually made of brass and played with a single-reed mouthpiece similar to that of the clarinet . [2] Like the clarinet, saxophones have holes in the instrument which the player closes using a system of key mechanisms. When the player presses a key, a pad either covers a hole or lifts off a hole, lowering or raising the pitch, respectively. The saxophone family was invented by the Belgian instrument maker Adolphe Sax in 1840"(en.wikipedia.org.)

Justin Ward - "Let Her Go" cover

How the sandwich was invented | Moments of Vision 5 - Jessica Oreck

Fri 3rd Nov is ....... Sandwich Day
Thu 2nd Nov is .......... Use Less Stuff Day We really must understand that the lust for affluence in contemporary society is psychotic. It is psychotic because it has completely lost touch with reality. We crave things we neither need nor enjoy.” Richard Foster “There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.” – Jackie French Koller
Wed 1st Nov is ........... Go Cook For Your Pets Day Get advice about how to  cook for your pet http://cookforyourpets.com/how-to-cook-for-your-dog/
And don't forget !!!!   HAPPY HALLOWEEN for tomorrow!!!
Tue 31st Oct is...... Magic Day or    Houdini Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r8qr-p9z5g
Mon 30th Oct is...... Checklist Day Making a self-made reminder is really important to your school life!!!!!

A Brief History of Pasta

Wed 25th Oct is................ World Pasta Day The first World Pasta Congress was held in Rome, Italy on October 25, 1995, when World Pasta Day was established by 40 International pasta producers.    
Tue 24th Oct is.............. United Nations Day "The United Nations ( UN ) is an intergovernmental organization tasked to promote international co-operation and to create and maintain international order"
Mon 23rd Oct is..... Mole Day Take an active interest in chemistry! Get interested in the mole unit!!Find about Amedeo  Avogadro! Amedeo Avogadro <img src="//www.famousscientists.org/fs/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/amedeo-avogadro.png" alt="Amedeo Avogadro" width="500" height="300" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-7703" srcset="https://www.famousscientists.org/fs/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/amedeo-avogadro.png 500w, https://www.famousscientists.org/fs/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/amedeo-avogadro-300x180.png 300w, https://www.famousscientists.org/fs/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/amedeo-avogadro-100x60.png 100w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" /> Lived 1776 – 1856. Amedeo Avogadro is best known for his hypothesis that equal volumes of different gases contain an equal number of molecules, provided they are at the same temperature and pressure. His hypothesis was rejected by oth...
Fri 20th Oct  is .............. International Sloth Day What impresses you the most?
Thu 19th Oct  is... Conflict Resolution Day the peaceful ending  of a dispute
Wed 18th Oct is................. Global Dignity Day Self-respect, ambition, hard work and a feeling of accomplishment are all the elements that the word DIGNITY entails.
Mon 16th Oct is... Dictionary Day Challenge your vocabulary, broaden it.Use clear and precise language to transmit information. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_online_dictionaries
Fri 13th Oct is.................... Train Your Brain Day “What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.”  ~Buddha
Thu 12th Oct, 2017 is............ World Sight Day Awareness of  blindness and vision impairment!!!!
Wed 11th Oct is.............. Take Your Parents To Lunch Day What are your benefits of having a dinner out with your parents?
Tue 10th Oct, 2017 is... World Mental Health Day 'A mental illness is a condition that affects a  person's thinking, feeling or mood. Such conditions may affect someone's ability to relate to others and function each day. Each person will have different experiences, e ven people with the same diagnosis.'

Christopher Columbus: What Really Happened

Monday  9th October is....... Columbus Day A controversial celebration due to the fact that Columbus enslaved many of the natives of America. It is also known as the Day of the Race because of the variety of the nations of Latin America.

I am a teacher and I believe

5th    October    2017   is........ WORLD TEACHERS DAY
4th October is.......          World   Animal  Day
Tue 3rd Oct, 2017 is............... - Techies Day Techie is an individual who is deeply interested in technology and seeing it move forward.Information Technology experts are specifically referred to as Techies.
Mon 2nd Oct, 2017 is..... World Day of Bullying Prevention What is bullying? Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children.  The behavior is repeated , or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats , spreading rumors , attacking someone physically or verbally , and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
Fri 29th Sep, 2017 will be... Ask A Stupid Question Day Do not be afraid to ask any question that crosses your mind no matter how silly it may sound.
Thu 28th Sep, 2017 will be... Good Neighbor Day Get to know the people living in your neighborhood!!!!Do not talk to them only in passing.
Wednesday the 27th September is................. The Ancestor Appreciation Day It gives people a reminder to learn more about those who came before us.
Learning English idioms can be fun!!!!! This week's is....   Jack of all trades and master of none. Follow the link below and find out. https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/1651176.html